Science Communication
How to communicate science
This video provides basic concepts and recommendations to communicate Science
- Basic rules
- Communication objectives
- Ongoing project, raise awareness and / or share important information
- Type of Audience
- Who, why and how
- Key Message (s)
- Always write an index and have a script
How to communicate science effectively in 3 minutes
This video provides some guidance for science communication in an informal and short period of time setting: the elevator speech/pitch
- Informal context
- Main components
- The key message is delivered at the beginning because it explains “why the audience should care”
- Start the presentation with a question or unexpected comment
- Focus on why it is important and personal
- Leave the audience with a “to do” action
How to introduce science to different types of audiences
This video provides some guidance related to a very common procedure for introducing a science concept or project called: “ABT” (And, But, Therefore). This is a great technique to explain a scientific project or concept in a short period of time.
- ABT: “… and … but … therefore …”
- Suitable for formal contexts (60 Seconds)
- [Hook sentence] and [scientific fact] however [knowledge gap] therefore [what you are doing]
- 3 minute presentation
- ABT Extended Format
- [Hook sentence] and [scientific fact] however [knowledge gap] therefore [what you are doing, brief description of methods, preliminary results, impacts on society]
How to explain Facts vs Myths
This video provides very basic techniques for communicating scientific facts or concepts, as well as Science Myth Busters.
- “For your information …” but: (the fact) “interactive, simple and with references”.
- Typically start with a question, immediately provide an answer and then provide the background and scientific support.